Best Types of Jobs for Starting Your Career

Are you looking for that first job out of university, or hoping to transition into something new? There are some roles out there that are better than others for reaching your career goals.

Permanent jobs in Brampton


While you could apply for any old entry-level job in your field, those don’t always teach you anything about the job you eventually want. Look for positions with mentorship opportunities built in. This means that rather than filing or getting people coffee, you will be working alongside a more senior employee who does what you hope to be doing in the future.

While the word “mentorship” might not be used in a job description, look for roles that feature collaboration and learning opportunities.

Big companies

In order to build an impressive resume, it’s a good idea to apply for permanent jobs in Brampton at big, well-known companies. This helps when you go to apply for your next job, because the hiring manager will already be familiar with them and not have to ask too many questions about your previous employer, and instead focus on your skills and experience.

There can also be some prestige that comes along with having worked for a well-known brand. So, it’s not just about name recognition, but reputation, too.

Small businesses

On the flipside, there is a lot to be said in favour of starting your career at a small, local business. You can get more of that aforementioned mentorship, and there are likely more career-specific tasks for you to do rather than grunt work.

Continue Reading for more information.

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