5 Ways To Make Money As A Student
When you’re young you want to be able to buy things like trendy clothes, video games, and other frivolous things. You want to be able to meet your friends for lunch or go out for drinks (if you’re legal) and go to concerts and festivals. Students have the added layer of having to buy books, school supplies, transit passes and so on.
If the bank of mom and dad is closed, you will have to start earning your own money while staying in school.

The reason so many teenagers and university can college students work at the mall is because the hours are flexible, but not crazy. Students can take the evening and weekend shifts that the full-timers don’t want and still be home before 10 p.m. Many retail part time jobs in Mississauga don’t have a ton of requirements and they offer training. You can work case, help customers on the floor, stock shelves, set up new displays and work in the stockroom.
You could just work a few days a week, still have time to study and earn enough money to treat yourself to some fun. If you’re a part-time student, you can take on more hours and use the money to pay your tuition.
If you think retail offers flexible hours, service industry jobs offer even more. While there are some food service jobs that keep mall hours, many restaurants, bars and coffee shops are open late. This means you can work longer shifts and make a bit more money.
If you’re a server or bartender, you can make tips on top of your hourly wage. If you’re already a night owl, restaurant and bar jobs are perfect. Not a people person? Not a problem, there are kitchen and back-bar jobs that don’t involve customer service.
If you thrive in an academic environment and like helping people, you could make a bit of extra cash tutoring peers or younger students. This is also great if you want to be a teacher someday, as it’s good practice.
You could place ads online or in the school paper for your services, or try to get hired on by a tutoring centre.
Campus job
A lot of universities and colleges employ students during the school year. This includes jobs at the library, admissions office and various departments. While a lot of these jobs pay a proper wage, some are classified as a work/study or a service bursary.
Campus jobs are great because the school will accommodate your academic schedule, as that is your priority.
Seasonal job
If you cannot fathom trying to balance school with a part-time job, don’t stress yourself out during the semester. Instead, look to get seasonal jobs during the holiday and summer breaks. Because you are off school, you can take on full-time hours to earn more money in a shorter amount of time.
Lots of places hire students for the summer or during the holiday shopping season.
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