Pros and Cons of Contract Jobs
Contract jobs are non-permanent roles within a company to fulfill a critical need within an organization for a specified period of time. In plain terms, it means that you are not a full, permanent staff member. You work in the hired role until the contract end date. Sometimes employers will extend contracts if needed.

Typically, companies bring in contract staff for specific, short-term projects. A great example of this is construction projects. Developers have a permanent staff, but they hire architects and construction crews to work on specific building projects. Once the building is completed, the contract ends. Another common scenario is hiring workers to cover staff who are on leave (parental leave, disability, etc.). In this case, you will work in that role until the permanent employee returns.
This works well for employers because it allows them to cover their staffing needs for a limited time. But how does this type of employment work for workers? Let’s look at the pros and cons of contract jobs in Toronto.
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